The Eyes of Texas

The Eyes of Texas

A touching and hilarious one-person play about the fear of being 'seen while trans' and the newfound sisterhood between two trans siblings. Written, directed, and performed by Bryce McClendon, originally presented at The Vino Theater in East Williamsburg.
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The Eyes of Texas premiered as part of a festival of short plays at The Vino Theater in East Williamsburg on May 8 and 13, 2024. What began as a two-person project fictionally representing Bryce's relationship with their sister evolved into a solo storytelling project--a love poem, you could say--dedicated to her.


"I think I thought by re-establishing stasis in the arc of the story
I could create a clearing where fake sister and fake me
would have the conversation I'd like to imagine
real sister and real me could have.

They could talk about how scary it can be to be seen.

They could compare and contrast their practices of care, and courage.

They could share some ways they could help each other.

And as I thought about the shape that conversation should take
It became clear to me:
I don't think I need to write a play right now...
I could...
But I think I need to call my sister more, first."

The Eyes of TexasThe Eyes of TexasThe Eyes of TexasThe Eyes of Texas

The Eyes of Texas